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Your personal DNA yoga

Yoga and DNA

Your Genes

  • Strengths and vulnerabilities are hidden in your genes
  • Genetics is used as starting point to develop geneyoga™ PLAN
  • Focusing on most problematic diseases of today’s word
  • With a DNA genetic test, we identify the increased risk of a condition or a disease prior to any symptoms

Yoga Therapy

  • Based on 5,000 years of the complete science of life
  • Creates a unique balance of body, mind and spirit
  • Based on physical exercises, breathing techniques and relaxation
  • Reduces stress
  • Increases energy levels
  • Leads to a positive attitude and correct nutrition intake
  • Promotes health and wellness

Your Geneyoga

  • Combines modern science with the ancient practice of yoga
  • Linked to your unique genetic profile
  • Focused on your most significant weaknesses
  • Prevents predisposed diseases
  • Custom made yoga practice (poses, frequency and order) based on yoga therapy
  • Uniquely created by certified and renowned yoga therapists
  • Your personalised lifelong yoga practice that improves your personal wellbeing

What your DNA says about you

Our DNA test details how your genetics relate to aspects including increased blood pressure, cancers, diabetes and many more. We can identify your risk for a condition or a disease before there are any symptoms or even understand that there may be a risk, ensuring preventive measures can be taken. We believe the additional information you know about your DNA, the more you know about yourself. Learn more →

Because genetic information is hereditary, discovering your genetic information can reveal information about those closely related to you. Your family may or may not want to know this information and relationships can be affected by learning about your DNA.

How can your geneyoga™ PLAN help you

Based on your genetic test, we provide you with our fully accredited personal geneyoga™ PLAN – that is purely based on you! The ingenuity behind geneyoga™  stipulates yoga poses, frequency and a measured order within the full plan. These are carefully selected in response to your unique health risks, providing you with a personalised yoga plan focused on preventing pre-disposed diseases that are revealed by your genes.

Experts about us

Genetic expert

MD. Uros Hladnik

Director of DNA laboratory

Yoga therapist

Maja Tanko Smolic

Director of Yoga Institute

Geneyoga customer

Vishal Kassie

Aerospace Engineer and Pilot

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